The Tribunal received the following 2 submissions in relation to the initial transition proposal. Submissions are listed in order of receipt. All links open a PDF in a new window.
The Tribunal received the following 5 submissions in relation to transition arrangements. Submissions are listed in order of receipt. All links open a PDF in a new window.
The Tribunal received the following 3 submissions in relation to the further redistribution proposal. Submissions are listed in order of receipt. All links open a PDF in a new window.
The Tribunal received the following 29 submissions in relation to the initial redistribution proposal. Submissions are listed in order of receipt. All links open a PDF in a new window.
Hon Ivan Dean MLC ( attachment 1) ( attachment 2) ( attachment 3)
Hon Greg Hall MLC ( attachments)
The Liberal Party of Australia (Tasmanian Division)
Launceston Chamber of Commerce
Scottsdale Branch of the Australian Liberal Party
03 6208 8700
1800 801 701
Fax 03 6208 8791
Level 3, 169 Main Rd
PO Box 307
Moonah Tasmania 7009
Current Electoral Areas
Redistribution Criteria
Why redistribute?
Relevant Legislation
The Process
Committee Members
Tribunal Members
Projections Methodology
Previous Redistributions